
My opinions, updates on my life, all sorts of "randomness"...

Monday, January 31, 2005

Bethany showed me this great article in The Detroit News, "Nonreading generation of writers needs 12-step program" by Laura Berman.
"The scene: A college classroom at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
The subject: Writing the newspaper column.
The question: "Can any of you name a columnist you read -- in a newspaper or magazine or online -- on a regular basis?"
In response: Dead silence.
Slowly, one hand rises. A sports columnist is mentioned.
Nobody else in the room hints at any recognition of the sports columnist's name: Anyone? "

Ridiculous, right? And the explanation one student gave?
"My generation grew up watching MTV. We are used to short spurts of words, lots of images...We're used to immediate gratification."

A little upsetting... Makes me wonder about the future of our country, the generation known as "echo boomers." I watched a whole segment from 60 Minutes about it on my flight back from Israel (check out the article). The craziest part of it all is realizing that I'm apparently a different generation than my roommates, since echo boomers are born between '82 & '95. Man.. Feeling a little old here...

So on a different note, been attempting to find a ticket to Israel for Pesach. Everything I've found is hella expensive, & I can't really afford it. Not really sure what I'm going to do... If anyone has any ideas (slash a way to get a cheap ticket), I'm open to suggestions...

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